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A course signed by architect Robert Trent Jones Sr

Histoire du golf de Chamonix


  • 30 ans du Golf Club

    The golf clubs 30 years anniversary



    The 21st, 22nd and 23rd September 2012 Chamonix golf Club celebrated its 30th anniversary, under the presidency of Gerard ROGER.

    The program consisted of numerous festivities and competitions, clubs and forks in hand !

    During the weekend Robert TRENT JONES Jr, son of the renowned architect that designed the course, honoured us with his presence and recalled the memory of his father to us.

    Another noteworthy presence was Jean Lou CHARON, as president of the Ligue Rhone Alpes. He is today in charge of the future of the FFGolf. During the weekend was one team that will stay in the records and that reunited the four directors that worked for the club these last 30 years !

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    The construction of a golf course in the Chamonix valley dates back to the 1930s. It materialized the desire of hotel owners - Savoy, Alpes, Simond - to satisfy the Anglo-Saxon clientele who were staying in Chamonix in the summer.

    After researching suitable land for the construction of a golf course the Praz site was finally chosen by M. Lavaivre, mayor of Chamonix at that time.

    Incidentally it was two half tracks from the “Croisiere Jaune”, supplied by Mr Andre Citroen, that were used to pull out the tree stumps on the land. These vehicles were used in winter for “skijoring” (term originating from Sweden and Norway)

  • Robert Trent Jones

    The opening



    The golf course opened in 1934 with four holes. The nine holes were completed the following year and inaugurated the 20th July 1935. The extension to 18 holes, difficult to achieve due to land ownership problems, was decided upon by the municipality in 1972.

    After several years devoted to land acquisitions and preliminary plans the work started in 1977 and the 18 hole golf course was inaugurated the 26th September 1982. The new course and its facilities were achieved thanks to the initiative and determination of Mr Maurice Herzog, mayor of Chamonix at that time.

    Therefore he confided the course design to the well known American architect Robert Trent Jones, who had worldwide experience.

    This initiative was continued by his successors Mrs Christian Couttet and Michel Charlet, and more recently Mr Eric Fournier, mayor of Chamonix, who renewed the golf concession in favour of the Sporting Association for a 9 year period.

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